Learning Disability Register


If you care for someone with a learning disability, they can get extra support when visiting their doctor – all you or they have to do is ask for their name to be added to the GP learning disability register. You can help them do this by talking to their doctor’s surgery or use the tear off slip on the parent friendly letter using the link below.

Once on the register they are entitled to an Annual Health Check every year. There are lots of reasons why they should have one, including:

  • Not always knowing if they are unwell – the doctor can spot signs that you or the individual might miss,
  • Getting better treatment – for example new medication
  • It offers an opportunity for them to talk to the doctor about anything worrying them
  • The doctor can provide advice on lifestyle choices, such as diet
  • They can have more control in their own health and body

Make sure the doctor gives them a health action plan after the health check – this includes goals for them and the doctor to work towards together.

WarrPAC have worked with the CCG to produce a letter with all the information and this includes a tear off slip which you can print and give to your GP Surgery.

Click here to find out more. This will open a new page with the letter that you need to add your child/young person to the Learning Disabilities register.