Community Neurosciences Team in Warrington

As a team we aim to:

  • Provide treatment in the home and community environment
  • Provide  advice and education about your condition
  • Support you and your family with adapting to the effects of your condition
  • Provide information and signposting to other teams and services
  • Provide Early Supported Discharge for stroke patients from hospital (see below)
  • Complete an assessment of your ability to carry out a range of daily living activities (e.g. self care, leisure, productivity tasks) and support you to reach the optimum level of independence in these areas
  • Specialist assessment and treatment /management of:
    • Cognitive skills (e.g. memory, problem solving)
    • Physical Skills,  (e.g. mobility and function)
    • Emotional needs  (e.g. anxiety / low mood)
    • Behavioural issues  (e.g. temper, impulsive behaviour)

Who to contact

Contact Name
Warrington Community Neurosciences Team
01925 251366
Fax: 01925 251569

Where to go

Warrington Community Neurosciences Team
Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub
Jubilee Way

Other details


Referral required
Referral details

To access our service we will need a referral form to be completed and sent to our team.

The form needs to be completed by a health or social professional such as a GP, social worker or nurse.

However, people with a confirmed diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can self-refer to the Neurological Conditions Nursing Service.

All referrals will be screened and assessed on an individual basis to determine they are appropriate. If appropriate, a letter will be sent inviting the recipient to ‘opt in’ to our service.

The service is designed for adults aged 18 years onwards who live in Warrington or have a Warrington GP (clients between ages 16 – 18 will be assessed on an individual basis).

Who is eligible?
Inclusion criteria A confirmed neurological diagnosis such as stroke, acquired brain injury, spinal injury. Exclusion criteria Anyone without a confirmed neurological diagnosis Brain tumours (grade 3 and above) Congenital conditions Primary presentations that are better seen by other services e.g. mental health, musculo-skeletal ( however, the presence of these conditions would not automatically exclude patients from our service) Therapy to primarily maintain functional level Patients who do not meet the Warrington eligibility criteria.