Barrow Hall Community Primary School

School Details

Our school motto is, "We are here to feel secure, be valued and to learn".

For myself, the teachers, the support staff and parents, this mission statement represents a journey, rather than a destination, as it is something that we start over again at the beginning of each new term.

And though everyone connected with Barrow Hall Primary will guard against complacency, we hope that the pictures and the contents of our website strongly suggest that our journey, and that of your children, will be one of fun, learning and mutual respect.

Ours is a very large, vibrant school, lively and busy. We are proud of the atmosphere and the pupils who contribute to it, for Barrow Hall is a HAPPY school.

John Littler, Headteacher
Barrow Hall Primary School

Information taken from Barrow Hall Primary School website.

Extended Services through schools

Extended services are additional services and activities offered by schools to pupils, their families and the community. These services often take place outside of normal school hours and can include access to childcare, sports activities and support for learning. Find out what might be on offer and get information about possible costs and financial help.

Childcare provision related to this school

  • Sankey Play Station Link Club
  • Cookies After School Club
  • Busy 0-5 Day Nursery for children in reception class only
    Please see separate entry under 'childcare' for more details.
  • Childminders also provide out of school care and some may have specified they pick up/drop off from this school.
    Please contact the Families Information Service for more details.

For more detailed information of childcare linked to this school please contact the Families Information Service, who can offer comprehensive up to date information on registered childcare in Warrington, including childminders, day nurseries, pre-schools, playgroups, out of school and holiday clubs, carer & toddler groups, leisure activities and much more.....

Other Useful contacts

School admissions:

WBC Schools Admissions, transport and pupils services team: 01925 446226

Who to contact

Contact Name
Mr John Littler
Contact Position
01925 717633
Barrow Hall Primary School

Where to go

Barrow Hall Community Primary School
Sophia Drive
Great Sankey

Other details


Local/National Service?

Local Offer


Barrow Hall Community Primary School is a popular 3 form entry community school situated in Great Sankey.


Contact Name
Mr Watts (SENDCo)
Contact Telephone
01925 717633
Contact Email
SEND Report 2021-22
Local Offer Age Bands
5-11 - Primary

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?
  • Information can be received from previous settings, parents, carers, Social Care and other
  • Staff will follow the Barrow Hall Identification Pathway to SEND as outlined in the SEND
  • Depending on the outcome of above, concerns may be raised by the SENDCo, a teacher, a
    teaching assistant, a parent or a pupils.
  • Examples of concerns could be:
    -Issues or changes regarding progress, behaviour or development.
    -Observation of a specific difficulty meeting age related expectations.
    -Issues raised through assessments such as Language Links or on entry data.

The first member of staff to recognise that your child may have a special educational need is usually your child’s class teacher. Teaching staff receive regular training on the identification of specific needs. They use this information, together with continual assessment of your child’s rates and
patterns of progress plus any information provided by yourselves, to identify and support any concerns that may arise. Should your child’s class teacher become concerned about your child in any way, they will speak to you and the SENDCo. The identification pathway is explained in further
detail in the SEND Policy.

How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

Strategies that enable a child to progress at home can also help them at school and vice versa. That is why, at Barrow Hall, we ensure that a continuing dialogue takes place with parents/carers, sharing any successes and approaching any difficulties that may arise together.
Individually produced plans, referred to in Barrow Hall as Learning Plans, track the progress of all children that are identified as having SEND. These are produced and reviewed termly by the child’s class teacher and monitored by the SEND Team.
If a child has a specific area of need, such as handwriting or phonics, they will be placed in an intervention group where they will work closely with a teacher or teaching assistant. The number of children in a group may vary but the general number is between 2 – 4 children. Progress made
during the intervention will be closely tracked and fed back to parents/carers.
Records of interventions are kept so that the impact and effectiveness are measured.
Our SEND Governor meets regularly with the SENDCo.
The SEND Identification Pathway offers further information- please see our SEND Policy

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

If a child is identified as having SEND

  • They will be placed on the SEND Register which will be reviewed half termly.
  • They will have specific targets and provision planned for them.
  • They will have a separate Learning Plan, outlining targets.
  • Discussions will take place at least 3x per year between the class teacher and parent.
  • Teaching Assistants may work with a child 1:1 on specific focused tasks or in a small intervention group.
  • Specialist equipment may be given to a pupil to help them such as table top prompts, a wobble cushion, new technologies to support communication or adapted equipment, etc.
  • Work may be differentiated by outcome, pace of completion, support offered or by breaking.
How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

In addition to our termly Parents’ Evenings for all pupils, additional meetings are arranged for parents/carers a child has been identified as having an additional need. These take place three times a year and focus on the strategies that are in place at school and at home to help the child progress.
Through regular discussions with the class teacher and teaching assistant who are usually available
at the end of the day.
Additional appointments with the class teacher or SENDCo may be made through the school office.
Recommendations received from external agencies are discussed with parents and pupils.
If an external agency is coming into school to assess your child, provision will be made for you to meet with them.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?
  • ‘Happiness’ is one of our four core values and wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do.
  • PSHE in school is strongly promoted, with all children receiving lessons focusing on health and wellbeing.
  • Our Behaviour Policy- available on the website- promotes positivity, thus aiming to build children’s self-esteem.
  • Staff and children’s Health and Wellbeing Policy.
  • If we feel, after discussion with parents, that a pupil requires further expert support we refer to external agencies for counselling and support.
  • We have previously commissioned the work of Play/Art Therapists, Bereavement Counselling, etc.
  • Social Skills and Nurture groups are delivered to children who require additional support.
  • Mental Health First Aid training provided to all staff, dependent on need (1/2 day, twilight
    session, 2 day).
  • Staff Wellbeing training for Health and Safety consultant.
  • Class teachers, Teaching Assistants and Senior Leaders are always available to talk.
  • All staff trained on Attachment and Early Trauma.
  • Specific member of staff is a trained Youth Mental Health First Aider
  • Drawing and Talking course undertaken by TA.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting/school/college?
  • Educational Psychologist
  • School Nurse
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Family Support
  • Parent Partnership
  • Counselling
  • Visual and Hearing Impairment Team
  • Speech and Language
  • Play Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Early Help
  • Visual Processing Difficulties Clinic
  • SEMH Teachers
What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? Are any being trained currently?

The SENDCo, Thom Watts, has gained the National Award for Special Educational Needs
The SENCo, Chelsea Evans, is working towards the National Award for Special Educational Needs
during 2021-22.
The Assistant SENDCo, Jan Shaw has supported local schools with SEND procedures.
Two TAs are trained by the ADHD Foundation.
Regular Teaching Assistant CPD training at Green Lane Special School.
Whole school staff training on Attachment.
Variety of SALT training received by support staff and teaching staff across the school.
Social Stories training completed by majority of TAs.
Team Teach training where appropriate.
Effective Questioning Training completed by Teaching Assistants.
Lego Therapy Training from SALT.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Trips and activities are always available to all regardless of SEND need.
Where necessary, we may ask a parent to accompany a child on an activity.
Risk assessments take into account how we will facilitate the needs of all children.
1:1 Funding for children supported by EHCPs can be used for before and after school provision if this helps following planning and discussion.
Additional Inclusive Sports Days for KS2 SEND children at Orford Jubilee Hub.

How accessible is the setting/school/college environment?

Improvements are continually being made in line with our current Accessibility Plan. The building is five years old and is fully accessible by wheelchair and in line with all current access legislation. Accessible toilets throughout the building. Sensory room available.

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

Moving across different Key Stages in school is taken into consideration for all pupils. In addition to the summer term transition week for whole classes, teachers meet to discuss children with SEND.
Progress from previous academic years is shared as are targets and strategies in place to help meet them. Extra visits and activities are arranged for those who may need extra support when moving to high school, with Year 6 teachers and the SENDCo involved in discussions with high
school staff.
All moves to and from other schools/settings are managed by Barrow Hall to ensure that transition for your child is as smooth as possible. If a child comes to us from another school or a preschool/nursery, every effort is made to liaise with that setting before your child arrives and any
existing paperwork is requested. Where appropriate, school staff visit the previous setting and extra visits to Barrow Hall can be arranged for your child before the transition formally takes place. If your child moves from Barrow Hall to a different setting, we liaise as much as possible with the new
setting and pass on all the records of support your child has received from us.

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

In accordance with the collective and individual needs of the child.
Children with an EHCP plan will have their own detailed plan to support them.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

The type of and amount of support offered will be made based upon:
Advice from outside agencies
Pupil progress data and discussions
Discussion between staff
Discussion with the child
Support will be reviewed

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

We have restarted concerts, assemblies and sporting events which parents can attend. These paused due to the restrictions from the pandemic 2020-21. Parent Forum groups meet regularly to support school improvement. Parents are also welcome to join FOBH (Friends of Barrow Hall) who work hard fundraising for school.