Support at Home Project

The project has been providing wide ranging support to residents of Warrington aged 18 years and older who have a palliative condition or have been diagnosed with a terminal illness to make practical arrangements and choices to enable the person to remain in their own homes and independent for as long as possible.

For example:

Maintaining current accommodation

Accessing alternative suitable accommodation

Access bursary scheme to assist clients in financial hardship to make life more comfortable

Dealing with finances, budgeting, debt management, including rent arrears.

Maintaining personal safety and home security

Help to access aids and adaptations

Support to fill in forms and deal with authorities

Maximising income and entitlement to Welfare Benefits

Signposting to access statutory, voluntary and private provided services

Finding services to meet cultural needs

Support to access Legal Services

Support to improve self worth, control feelings and improve relations with others and engaging in community activity

Support in improving networks/reduce social isolation

Access technological assistance and equipment to enable communication with family and friends and enhance quality of life and reduce social isolation.

Referrals can be make directly from the person requiring the support, their families, friends, carers and any agency.

Anyone making the referral will need to discuss and provide information relating to the person, their needs and circumstances and what type of support has been identified.  All information is kept strictly confidential.

 palliative care, end of life, terminal, terminal illness, end of life support, palliative

palliative care, end of life, terminal, terminal illness, end of life support, palliative

palliative care, end of life, terminal, terminal illness, end of life support, palliative

palliative care, end of life, terminal, terminal illness, end of life support, palliative

palliative care, end of life, terminal, terminal illness, end of life support, palliative

palliative care, end of life, terminal, terminal illness, end of life support, palliative

palliative care, end of life, terminal, terminal illness, end of life support, palliative

Who to contact

Contact Name
Dianne Ryder
Contact Position
Support at Home Project Worker
01928 573801

Where to go


Until March 2020 I would conduct home visits, however, due to the recent pandemic I work from home via phone calls only.  Should the situation improve, I shall hopefully  be based at St Roccos Hospice and Jubilee Hub.  As the situation becomes clearer, I will update details.

Time / date details

When is it on
Open phone access Monday to Friday at any time.
Session Information
Please contact me by phone or email and I will advise on how and when I can assist.

Other details


Table of costs
Table of costs
AmountCost type
The project is funded through Simon Kenton Programme Director of New Town Deal, and there is no charge to the person for accessing my support,