Webster Stratton - The Incredible Years Programmes

Please note - places on these courses are by referral by a professional.

Support offered to families ranges from levels 1 to 4 according to the family's needs:
Level 1 – universal support before problems have been identified
Level 2 – support for parents needing some additional support via a self referral or because an agency had identified a need
Level 3 – to parents in families with complex needs
Level 4 – to parents who may find it difficult to co-operate or manage without some intense intervention
This course is evaluated to be Level 2/4 service

Parents and Infant programme for parents of babies aged 0-12 months, the parent and toddler for parents of toddlers aged 1 to 3 years and the basic pre school/early childhood programme for parents of children aged 3 to 8 years. More details about each programme are given below. All programme sessions run on a weekly basis and last 2 hours within the school day usually from 10.30am-12.30pm or 12.30pm-2.30pm.

The programmes are evaluated to be a level 2/4 service and therefore are for parents requiring additional support.

The programmes are free and include refreshments and a creche.

Programme facilitators will meet with parents individually at the start and end of the programme with an initial information session also provided so that parents can meet before the programme sessions start.

All programmes will be provided at convenient locations around Warrington.

Referrals to these programmes should be made by a professional, using the referral form below and sent to familysupportservice@warrington.gov.uk.  

Parents and Babies Programme duration and content

Ages 0-12 months. The Incredible Years Parents and Babies programme supports parents and their babies. The Parents and Babies programme consists of a 6-part programme covered over 8 sessions focused on helping parents learn to observe and read their baby's cues and learning ways to provide nurturing and responsive care including physical, tactile and visual stimulation as well as verbal communication.

Part 1 - getting to know your baby (0-3 months)

Part 2 - babies as intelligent learners (3-6 months)

Part 3 - providing physical, tactile and visual stimulation

Part 4 - parents learning to read babies' minds

Part 5 - gaining support

Part 6 - babies' emerging sense of self (6-12 months)


Parents & Toddlers programme duration and content

Ages 1-3 years. The Incredible Years Parents and Toddlers programme supports parents and builds optimal parenting skills. The Parents and Toddlers programme consists of an 8-part programme covered over 12 sessions focused on strengthening positive and nurturing parenting skills. Each programme builds on the previous.

Part 1 - child-directed play promotes positive relationships

Part 2 - promoting toddler's language with child-directed coaching

Part 3 - social and emotion coaching

Part 4 - the art of praise and encouragement

Part 5 - spontaneous incentives for toddlers

Part 6 - handling separations and reunions

Part 7 - positive discipline - effective limit setting

Part 8 - positive discipline- handling misbehaviour


Basic - Pre school/Early Childhood programme duration and content

Ages 3-8. This training is comprised of programmes 1-4 delivered over 16 weeks. The programme focuses on strengthening parenting skills and consists of components which build upon one another.

Programme 1 - strengthening children's social skills, emotional regulation.

Programme 2 - using praise and incentives to encourage co-operative behaviour.

Programme 3 - positive discipline - rules, routines and effective limit setting.

Programme 4 - positive discipline - handling misbehaviour.


If you are interested in attending please speak to any professional who works with families.

Who to contact

Parent organisation
Parenting support in Warrington

Other details


Age ranges
0-8 years
Referral required
Referral details

Referral is required by a professional.