Warrington Bereavement Support

Warrington Bereavement Support are sorry to hear of your sad loss and our aim is to help you.

Our Support volunteers are trained to support you through the grieving process. They are not experts who can solve your problem and provide instant relief, but are ordinary people who are willing to listen and who will understand your feelings.

Support volunteers normally see clients in the client's home, as the Service does not have premises of its own. However, we do have limited access to premises in Warrington town centre if required.

We are able to offer support sessions, each lasting about one hour, approximately weekly. These usually continue to a maximum of 10 sessions.

Who to contact

01925 631516

Time / date details

Session Information
To arrange a visit telephone 01925 631516. This is a 24-hour answering service — simply leave your name
address and telephone number and the co-ordinator will contact you within 48 hours.

Other details


Local/National Service?