
Reengage (formerly Contact the Elderly) Call Companions

Call Companions is a free service for older people who live alone and feel they could do with a friendly phone call every week or two. What’s great is that the same person calls every time so, gradually, you get to know one another. Whatever you chat about, it helps lifts your spirits, makes you feel whole again and more connected to the world.

One of our volunteer call companions will phone you at a time that suits and you might chat weekly or every other week, depending on what you’ve agreed. The calls last for half an hour and we’ll try and match you so you have interests in common. The service is completely free and lasts as long as you want it to.

To be eligible for a call companion you should be living alone or in sheltered housing and have difficulty getting out in normal times. However, we do consider applications on a case-by-case basis, so if your circumstances don’t completely meet our criteria and you would like a call companion, please do apply.

Who to contact

0800 716543